Passion and loyalty – the values of the Eisbären Berlin are quite similar to ours. We are happy to be a member of the supporters club now.
We look forward to accompanying the team on their road to success!
Passion and loyalty – the values of the Eisbären Berlin are quite similar to ours. We are happy to be a member of the supporters club now.
We look forward to accompanying the team on their road to success!
What a day, what an anniversary, what a goal! The most recent marathon was not only a sporting highlight, but also a sign of solidarity and commitment. Particularly worthy of mention is Björn Schulz, whose impressive performance and tireless efforts reached not only the finish line but also many hearts. His run was more than a sporting event – it was a source of inspiration and motivation for countless people to support a good cause.
m Rahmen unseres Assetmanagement-Mandats setzen wir derzeit umfangreiche Modernisierungs- und Umbaumaßnahmen an einem unserer Objekte in Berlin-Buch um. Dabei fokussieren wir uns auf eine ganzheitliche Verbesserung sowohl der Außen- als auch der Innenbereiche, um die Immobilie zukunftsfähig und nachhaltig zu gestalten.
July is here, and that makes it the perfect time to look back at the first six months of 2024. Our conclusion: it was an eventful and extremely successful first half-year that makes us proud and motivates us to continue to give our best.